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Playlisting with Ease, Perfect for Collaboration

At SoStereo, we craft hundreds of playlists daily, and to enhance your experience, we’ve developed numerous user-friendly features for speed and simplicity.

Create playlist & edit playlists while searching

  1. Navigate to the “Search” feature and then click on the “Playlists” tab located on the left-hand side.
  2. Next, choose the “My playlists” tab.
  3. To create a new playlist, simply click the “+” button or select “New playlist.”

When crafting a playlist, you have the option to set its privacy to “Team Visible”, transforming it into a collaborative playlist. You can easily switch between “My playlists” and “Team Playlists” at any time within the playlist menu..

Adding songs to a Playlist: Drag and Drop

Our playlist interface streamlines the song-adding process with an intuitive drag-and-drop feature. Simply locate your desired song and effortlessly drag it into the playlist of your choosing.

You have the flexibility to add songs to playlists by dragging them both from left to right and right to left. This versatile approach allows you to customize your playlist organization as you see fit.

Tag-Based Playlist Filtering

Our editorial playlists are meticulously categorized using diverse criteria, empowering you to leverage these tags for seamless exploration of playlists that match your interests.

  1. Choose your desired tag(s), and feel free to combine different filters.
  2. Then, navigate to the “Playlists” tab, where you’ll find an array of playlists that align with your selected filters.

Automatic Playlist Tagging: Streamline playlist discovery through tag-based filtering

After adding a few songs to your playlist, our system will automatically apply tags based on various criteria.

This enables you to easily filter your playlists using these tags for quick and convenient organization.

You have the option to search for playlists using keywords; simply type your query and select the ‘Playlists’ column. Additionally, you can enhance your search by combining keywords with tags.

Playlist Options

  • Clone: Easily create an identical copy of this playlist.
  • Download: Save this playlist securely for offline listening during travel or when offline.
  • Expand: Click to expand and view the playlist details on the right side of your screen, and the playlist will start playing automatically for your convenience.
  • Share: Invite others to collaborate on this playlist or generate a shareable link for friends to enjoy your musical selections!

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