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How to License a Track

SoStereo offers you the convenience of exploring a vast catalog of over 60,000 tracks, all available for easy licensing with just a few simple clicks.

To license a song, simply play the song you want and click the LICENSE button in the bottom right corner of the player widget.

Specify the project genre that aligns with your song choice.

If none of the provided terms precisely match your requirements, you can also select “Custom Terms Request”.

Within this section, you have the option to request a tailored license that perfectly aligns with your unique needs

After filling out the song usage form, simply click the “Continue to License Request” button to submit your request.

Next, you will be directed to the license view, and we kindly ask for your project details to ensure accountability.

After submitting the license request, you can then proceed to submit a price.

You can locate the price input field at the lower right corner of the screen.

After submitting the quote, we will generate a contract for the client to review and upload the signed copy.

Once the contract is received, you will have access to download all the high-quality tracks!

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how to license a song through SoStereo, you can embark on creating remarkable content to forge deeper connections with your audience. If you encounter any questions or need assistance during the process, please feel free to schedule a call with our dedicated team, who will be prompt in providing support.

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