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Billy Branch

At SoStereo, we strive to highlight the importance of music. Music is a vehicle for emotion and inspiration, bringing opportunities and making a difference. Today, we proudly share the story of how music had a monumental impact on SoStereo artist Billy Branch.

On August 30th, 1969, a 17-year-old political science student stumbled across a Blues festival at Chicago’s Grant Park. At the time, he didn’t realize that this would have a pivotal influence on his future.

Willie Dixon – one of the most prolific Blues songwriters of his time – had organized the festival where he and Billie Branch met. Discovering a completely new realm of inspiration, Billy completed his undergraduate education and went on to partner with Willie Dixon’s Chicago Blues All-Stars – where he toured for six years as a singer and harmonica player.

In 1977, Billy formed his own band; and 44 years later, The Sons of Blues are still jazzing up the music industry. To date, Billy has over 15 of his own albums and hundreds of songs recorded with world renowned Blues artists. He has also received three Grammy nominations and won an Emmy Award. 

On October 1st, Billy celebrated his 70th birthday with a captivating performance at Buddy Guy’s Legends, a Chicago blues club owned and operated by SoStereo artist Buddy Guy.

Stories like Billy’s are unparalleled. From a typical college student to an exceptional Blues musician, his story exemplifies how much music can change someone’s life.

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